Reusable scoring templates and rubrics
You can now create reusable scoring templates and rubrics to easily manage settings that are common across assignments. For example, you might want to maintain one set of scoring settings for your video assignments and another for readings from your textbook -- now you can simply create a single scoring template for each and apply that template to each assignment, rather than having to manually re-enter scoring settings for each assignment. (And if you want to make a change to a scoring setting, simply make it in one place and it will automatically apply to all related assignments!) You can create scoring templates when creating assignments, and manage scoring templates in
Settings > Scoring > Automatic scoring
. Learn more about scoring templatesSimilarly, you can create rubrics (or import them from your LMS) and apply those rubrics to multiple assignments. Simply select from among your course rubrics when creating an assignment, instead of having to duplicate assignments to get the same rubric to apply to multiple assignments! You can create rubrics when creating review-based assignments, and manage rubrics in
Settings > Scoring > Rubrics
. Learn more about rubrics