
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


You can now facilitate peer review using the new peer review assignment type. Students submit work, are automatically (or manually) assigned to review each others' submissions (providing comments and optionally scoring based on an instructor-provided rubric), and have the opportunity to respond to peer feedback. Perusall's automated grading allows you to conduct peer review even at scale in large courses.
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You can now easily assign different content to different students without creating multiple assignments, allowing you to more easily manage differentiated work and sync back all student work to a single column in your LMS gradebook. Differentiated assignments also bypass your course grouping settings to ensure that students assigned the same content will be able to engage directly with each other.
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Link to other course content

When writing a comment, you can now link directly to content in your course library, in addition to linking out to an external site:
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Import quizzes from CSV

If you have quizzes in a spreadsheet format, you can now easily import them into your Library:
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Access the new import feature under
Library > Add content > Quiz > Import quiz from CSV file
. You can still import quizzes in QTI format exported from LMSs via
Library > Add content > Quiz > Import quiz from QI package




Our new Perusall website is live!

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If your Perusall course is integrated with a multi-section Canvas course using the LTI 1.3 integration, you can now import your sections from your Canvas course as Perusall groups. That enables you to group students by section so that students engage in discussions only with other students in their section. To access this feature, navigate to
Settings > Grouping
, set your course to "Specify groups", and then click
Import sections from Canvas
Settings > Integrity
, you can now optionally enable a helper that will appear whenever students paste in content from outside of Perusall into a comment, reminding them to cite their source and helping them format it as a quotation:
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Once the student enters the source of the content, Perusall automatically formats the quotation, and students can enter their own commentary before or after it:
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The helper is unobtrusive and disappears automatically if the student continues typing in the main comment entry box after pasting in text.
Quoting comments in your replies
When conversation threads get long, you sometimes want to reply to something in a comment far up in the thread. You can now do this by highlighting the part of the comment you want to quote and clicking
Quote this in my reply
Once you do this, Perusall will format the quote for you in your reply, and @-mention the person you are quoting; you can then add your comment below that:
Animated GIFs
Sometimes it's fun to add a little whimsy into your comments! Click the
Insert GIF
button in the toolbar to search for the perfect GIF to add to your comment:
Citation assistance
For many kinds of content, you can now generate a suggested reference or citation for a document in your preferred format (APA, MLA, or Chicago) through the new
Generate citation
button on the right panel:
If you have text selected, Perusall will suggest an in-text citation. You'll also get a reference you can use in a reference list or works cited list.
Add a bio to your profile
If you add a bio to your profile (click your name in the upper right corner of the screen, and then click
Edit profile
), it will show up when other people hover over your photo/initials within Perusall:
Dictate comments by voice
In many browsers, you can now click the microphone button in the toolbar to dictate your comment by voice. Simply click the microphone and start talking!
New ways to import content
There are now a number of new integrations that make it easy to get the content you want to use into Perusall:
  • Use the
    Google Drive
    integration to import Google Docs documents or Google Slides presentations, or your own files (PDFs, Word documents, etc).
  • Use the
    Canvas Files
    integration to import files that you have in your Canvas cloud storage. (Requires LTI 1.3 integration)
  • Use the
    Canvas Pages
    integration to import pages you have created in Canvas. (Requires LTI 1.3 integration)
And Perusall will now automatically extract metadata (e.g., title, authors, publication date) from many kinds of content, including many PDFs, EPUBs, videos, and podcasts, to power the new citation generation tool for students. You can also edit metadata via
Library > Edit
Use generative AI to suggest discussion prompts
If you like to post your own discussion prompts for students to respond to, you can now use generative AI to get ideas for thought-provoking questions to pose to students. Simply highlight the text you want to ask a question about, and click
Suggest a discussion prompt
. Perusall will fill in a suggested question for students to respond to. You can choose to post the question as-is for students to see, edit it before posting, or discard it if unhelpful. (Nothing will be shown to students until you have an opportunity to review.)
Personalize the terminology used in the interface
If you use Perusall outside of a traditional "course" context -- for example, a workshop, journal club, of professional development session -- you can change the language used in the interface to match your use of the platform. For example, you can use "workshop" instead of "course" and "participant" instead of "student." You can set your preferred terminology under
Settings > Terminology
Import quizzes from QTI packages
If you have quizzes in your LMS or another quizzing tool, you can now import them into Perusall using the QTI 1.2 or 2.1 format. Navigate to
Library > Add content > Quiz > Import quiz
to start the process.
Perusall also now supports "text-only" questions that present a stimulus to students but do not require a response, so you can present instructions for a group of questions above those questions.
Social learning "training" for students
A new built-in assignment,
Making the most of learning with Perusall
, helps train students in how to engage productively in social learning and how to write high-quality comments. This guided assignment prompts students to both work independently and reflect on their classmates' responses, and is available in multiple versions (for STEM, humanities, and social science courses). You can add it to your course by navigating to
Library > Add content > Making the most of learning with Perusall
Dynamic feedback for students
If you use automatic scoring in your course, students now receive customized feedback in the assignment progress panel while they are working on the assignment. Students will receive suggestions about what to work on to improve their score and get more out of the content (for example, they might receive a suggestion to improve the quality of their comments, or to ensure they have read all of the assigned material). The feedback is based on your selected scoring rubric. It can be disabled by selecting
Settings > Scoring > General > Hide grade feedback from students
Analytics in the Library
You can now view analytics in the Library in addition to the the analytics previously available for each assignment. This allows you to still have access to Perusall's analytics even if you don't use assignments, and also see analytics aggregated up to the document level (rather than the assignment level) so you can see student engagement on content regardless of whether the student was working on an assignment or not.
Audit panel
A new
panel on the left navigation bar allows you to review and manage comments that have been flagged (either by students, as inappropriate, or automatically by the system, as exact duplicates). You can also see comments where students have pasted in text from outside of Perusall or comments that the system detects may not be valid English.
Turnitin integration
Perusall now integrates with your institution's subscription to Turnitin. Once your institution sets up the integration, you can enable it for your course via
Settings > Academic integrity
. Perusall will flag in the Gradebook any assignments that Turnitin flags have a high similarity score; click on a score and then click on the Turnitin tab to review the full report from Turnitin.




Enter text in right-to-left languages

If you are writing text in a right-to-left language, you can now click a new button in the comment editor toolbar to switch text entry to that mode.
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